At the beginning of the 21st Century monsters still roam the remote, and sometimes not so remote, corners of our planet. It is our job to search for them. The Centre for Fortean Zoology [CFZ] is - we believe - the largest professional, scientific and full-time organisation in the world dedicated to cryptozoology - the study of unknown animals. Since 1992 the CFZ has carried out an unparalleled programme of research and investigation all over the world. Since 2009 we have been running the increasingly popular CFZ Blog Network, and although there has been an American branch of the CFZ for over ten years now, it is only now that it has a dedicated blog.

Wednesday 9 November 2016


On This Day in Weird, November 9...

2016: Yep, you guessed it: it doesn't get any weirder than this. "Electoral prophet" Nate Silver falls flat on his face for the umpteenth time, predicting a 78% victory for Clinton into the wee morning hours. Who still believes this guy? Has he ever been right? On a broader note, rest assured that Trump didn't "win"; the Democratic National Committee threw this one away. Lessons to be learned: 1. P. T. Barnum was right about Americans' intelligence (whether he said it or not); 2. The DNC labored long and hard to steal the primaries for a candidate most voters found unpalatable and untrustworthy; 3. Old-time Democrats can't deliver squat; and 4. Did I mention, STOP TRUSTING NATE SILVER? The group Imagine Dragons has a fitting song titled "Radioactive," which repeats the line, "Welcome to the new world." Or should that be, "Welcome to the new Dark Ages"?

Wrong finger Donald. Try again.

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